
Thanks for writing several paragraphs of very obvious information.

Obviously, when I say a peak performance state, I assume you realize that one's activity or endeavour needs to be analyzed, and then the perfect state for that specific task can be found. There is no one state... and yes, we know these letters of the greek alphabet are generalized, but they are used for a reason, they simplify the jargon.

And yes, thanks for pointing out the obvious difference between biofeedback and entrainment. The thing is, when you know something works, you don't need the feedback from an EEG or Scan on a screen in front of you. You don't need to create your own little lab.

It seems that if something isn't spelled out, you assume the knowledge isn't there. Lets try to stay on point and not discuss obvious information. This just creates an infinite loop to destination "no-where".

Stay with us here BabbaYabba.