
You're welcome.

A point that is obvious to me but is worth noting about the differences between entrainment and biofeedback is this: biofeedback is like having an extra sense. Changes occur as a result of ongoing feedback that go beyond entrainment.

The "there" that you go to through biofeeback training is dynamic and is a very different place than when you use various entrainment methods. You learn more about yourself, your automatic responses, and you can learn how to respond to your responses with greater and greater ability.

I think it is a superior tool for self-mastery, but that is just me.

And you don't need a lab, there are several products available ranging from simple and cheap to complex and expensive for biofeedback training.

Also, with biofeedback you are learning a skill that goes beyond the training sessions. You learn how to detect changes in the mind and body facilitated through the extra sense provided by the machinery. The goal is to go beyond the training equipment. You don't need to buy more tools to go into different states and go back to the tools when you want them. You learn it, you have it, and you can do it when you want or need it.

A problem I have had with entrainment technology is its inherent limitation. It's pretty fixed and passive. I mean, it's fun, and it has its uses, but it's limited.

Sorry if, again, this is obvious to you. I believe everything I have said is related to the topic and does not put anyone into an infinite loop. Having consciousness provides for numerous exit conditions.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited November 19, 2004).]