Hi again.

To Hel: No, it's only one person . Why*s*?. I have also posted on non-eksistent relationship, the rings on BeyondHuman etc...

By the way, I think the music thing is about creating a state. I think you will feel something different by not bringing "the negative vibes" from others into the conscious mind when trying to hear music. A little like creating a state when using NLP.

And thanks to you! We are quite a few now who has got much more sensitive to others negative vibes, after we learned photoreading.

I have not tried this music technique yet, but when I hear music from my walkman, and I'm among others, then it feels quite good. Especially if it's something I really like .

I have read something interesting about communikation: "You are a master communicater, if you get the RESPONS in the listener, you want to have!"

And that compared to being sensitive can really work results I think, so we (=us sensitive people) can be in charge of getting the results we want with others. So instead of blaming others of trying to make us sensitive people feel negatively in some way, why not turn this around to our advantage! Like:

- When talking to a person, sensitive people knows how they feel in the first place. You can feel it from just standing near to them. So if we want to have some results from this person you are standing near to, like getting him/her to drop by tomorrow for a small talk (or anything else you would like to have), then you have a really really good starting point from there on. Where we can get this person to "want to drop by" tomorrow. Procedure: Feel how this person feels. Then talk to him/her. Notice the respons feelings you get from the person. Not only what he/she says, but the respons of what he/she is sending out of signals/feelings/energies... Then work from there on and keep on communicating. And there are unlimited ways of communicating, being funny, persuade, relaxing.. What you want..

I'm not talking about getting a controlfreak, but just to be more in charge of the situation, when you feel the vibes so much. People still have to be spontanous now and then .

I think it's quite a change to shift this attention, instead of being "controlled by other peoples negative vibes", why not turn this around to our advantage, to get the results we really want with other people.

+ When you're in control in the situation, you can relax a lot when talking to others. (sshhh.. you have a secret they don't know! good at feeling how others feel, and then
turning this into you're advantage).

I have only tried this a few times now today, but when I do this, i feel quite good of being in charge of the vibes for a change*g*. Funny to play with..

Still, if anybody are having problems of beeing sensitive to others vibes, or if any are handling these negative vibes from others like in supermarkets, cinemas etc. in other ways.. Just write write.
