Change your focus. You know the anology of the racing car driver having to look where he wants to go and not the wall, for if he keeps focusing on the wall he will surely hit it because his eye mind connection can't see any other direction?

Or when you say "don't" do something the mind doesn't hear the "don't" so you wind up doing it?

Focus on where you want you relationship to go.. better, closer, more intimate whatever.

You already got 2 things in your favour:
1. Right now she's with you.
2. She wouldn't be with you if you truely failed to measure up already.

The fact that she's talking about him might be simply because she would like to have those dynamics herself and she likes to talk. Perhaps she thinks you admire him too?

No one can make you feel inferior unless you give them the permission to do so.

Let go of focusing on how your relationship could go down the tube because you fail to measure up to this guy in 'your own mind'. (you'll always fail... afterall our own mind is our worse critic... you can see his public image but thats not to say he's not a wussy or a low life in private).

Focus instead on how you can be there in the relationship for the both of you and build on that. Check out the 'Belief' paraliminal or 'New Behavour Generator' or any other tool that will help change your focus to the drection you want to go in the relationship.

Bluntly I'm saying if you keep that up it can become a self fulfilling prophecy. Pull your emotional self online with your intellectual self. Use your intellect to find/use the tools you have to comfort your emotional self and until you find the appropriate tools let go of the negative image you are building of yourself. The best way to do that is keep reminding yourself to look at where you want to go with the relationship.

You're in a new relationship that brings up many weird and wonderful emotions don't stay stuck on the negative ones.

The above is just one way of saying...
If I were there I'd kick your butt. Cause "No-one" deserves to be put down the way you're putting yourself down.

Comparing oneself to others is the worse judgement we lay on ourselves. We never see our good qualities that way only how we think we fail to measure up. There is no comparision... we are all individual expressions of being human.

That's my suggestion. As with any suggestion analsye it, take what works for you and dump the rest. No doubt more suggestion/advise will follow my post

Be true to yourself