Kaiden, I know you hate my guts because I'm a car salesman and you want to avoid me at all costs, but....

My experience with women tells me that whenever I expressed any insecurity, neediness, too worried about "the other guy" by asking all kinds of questions after she was with him (like camping on the cave)

proved to be fatal to all those past relationships.

I would suggest to you (if you could take the advice of a low life car salesman)

to ask her how her trip was, get excited when she talks about things she liked, and when she mentions HIM...

act like she is talking about some hairy legged east german shot-putting woman.

Trust me man, show any concern about the DUDE and you will lose points in her eyes.

I know it sucks. Believe me when I say I wish it weren't that way, but it is.

May the Force be with you.
