It's nice to see so many well wishers for you photoread4me.

I'm a strong advocate of SFQ, but it's not the only road to a healthier live. Although it is the one I've chosen.

LSC, has a large recommended reading list and many of them will help your with reducing stresses effect on your body.

Now the reason I'm adding another post. In you last message you commented on "keeping emotions under control". Emotions are not something you can control. I would suggest that you learn about yourself and your emotions and your relationship with them will evolve into a more healthy one.

It is important that the way you react to your emotions change. Most peoples automatic reactions to their emotions do not lead to the healthiest actions.

--- Interrupted Preaching --- Short summary (Hopefully) ---

Emotions are not bad. Become aware of all your emotions. Accept them. Look for the gift they hold. Use them for guidance.

You are perfection.