Some will say it is an ESP thing... But what is ESP really. Information available to us from our inner mind that we normally choose to ignore. I think with the pieces of paper that our intelligence has recorded in it memory/matrix what is what... to our visual conscious thinking mind we cannot tell the difference about what is written on the paper. Our inner mind knows some subtle detail to recognise the question... be it a small nick in the paper a slightly different fold (you handled them aferall). In other words our inner mind notices more than we give it credit for.

I've been accused of reading peoples minds... like suddenly I notice them looking for something and I happen to know where the object is... eg a pair of sissors... I pick up the sissors and hand them to them. The asked how did you know what I was looking for. Quick search of my mind I say simple you were doing such and such and the next most logical thing to do would be to cut it and you left the sissors... They say you can't think that fast... well maybe not with my conscious mind... it was my inner mind that provided the information. I had to go back over and check how I knew the information logically on many occasions. When it comes down to it the inner mind picks up a lot more subtle details that our conscious mind overlooks.
