Originally posted by Alex K. Viefhaus:
If you don't have a purpose why activate? It can be the same purpose for each session until you feel that you've been filled or got everything from the book that you need right now.

when dealing with technical stuff it is easy to get pulled into analytical reading too soon. That might be why you sometimes dip 2 pages. The trick is to pull away just before you know everything and remember if you need more you'll wind up getting a mind probing question and think of the answer or superread and dip that section again. It's still faster to superread and dip a page 3 times than to have one long dip that last 2 pages. Remeber clarity comes in layers.


Well I do not always have specific purposes for the sessions. I have my general purpose for the book and I have some questions for the session.

I just did a session of activation and my goal for this session was to know what I need of the 5th Habit in relation to my purpose. I asked myself: what do I need to know from this chapter? What is important? After a few minutes a word popped into my head and 2-3 pages later the word was a subtitle. I dipped and found some interesting things that actually answered my question.

[This message has been edited by Cremio (edited April 21, 2005).]