I'm sorry I posted "cognitive" thing on this forum, then at least tell me in which section should I do?

Why I changed? Ah, that's a question, I, too, often make ever since these matters began.

At that time I was obviously not satisfied with my A average. It was an AVERAGE and that included the B/B+ in two, three subjects, too (French, Philosophy). Then, even in subjects where I had an A, I personally didn't consider MYSELF as good enough. I attend an international school where there is no specific direction (majors?) of studies, but still, in each subject I try to compare myself with people who have A in schools where that subject is relevant to the school.
So, I may have an A+ in math, but the guy attending the Scientific High School is two years younger than me and knows better than me in spite of his B.
Secondly, especially because I also wanted to succeed in extra stuff - as I said before, driving license, hobby manuals, guides, and the big books that can also add strength to the practical use of what you study at school.
For example, at school, for physics, we may have the school book and exercises, but it's also good to read the literature by the scientists themselves, entire philosophical treaties, etc.
Infact, I didn't want to confine my knowledge "only" to what we learned at school, but extend it beyond. To prepare for the philosophy exam, I didn't just read the anthology normal book you have for school, but tried to read original works, contemporary author's criticism, other books related, university studies related etc.

Normally, by reading and engaging that much, you should not be only A+ average for your own school but beyond in an unwritten sense.
I'm trying to enter already the pace of university, of what I'll have to expect in future studies, etc.
And there are also so many other subjects in life that we don't learn at school, but are essential for what you consider your future.

Therefore, I thought, it wouldn't be bad to learn PhotoReading. How could I expect that I was "fixing" what I had?
I thought I would be GROWING and not FIXING.
I was so attracted by the product that I didn't expect... this, whatever you call it.

[This message has been edited by Deadlife (edited May 12, 2005).]