Mathematics requires one to actively solve problems to gain the knowledge and skills required to solve problems though many routinely achieve subconscious solving tough problems. However, the conscious mind needs the fore-mentioned practice to provide connections for the subconscious solution to attach to.

Solving math problems is the application of logic while at the same time learning a new language. As youngsters we were immersed in to a new environment, one of words; verbal and written, We adsorbed it played with in and practiced all without fear, if we got it wrong we corrected it and continued on building new knowledge. Instead of thinking of mathematics as a separate subject, look at life as a series of mathematical problems.

One needs to train the brain to autogenously solve mathematical problems.
How? One may ask

· PR mathematical textbooks, answer keys along with study guides like to Schaum’s Outlines.
· Work problems as part of your activation in 20-minute intervals.
· Read several math problems prior to going to bed, the subconscious will solve these while you sleep. Keep a notepad next to your bed to write the solutions down in the middle of the night when you wake up, you will forget them prior to sunrise if you don’t scribe them down.
· Develop Mindmaps and “Anchorman” list of key concepts.
· Work as many logic puzzles (games) as you can in 20-minute intervals, work one prior to going to sleep.
· While strolling down the street look at signs converting the letters in a word into numbers, add multiple, subtract and divide them in you head, soon being able to solve basic arithmetic problems become second nature. Being able to solve these without effort removes stress from freeing your mind to work.