Are you interested in Autobiographies? Since you said your instructor told you to do that this could cause a BIG problem for purpose if it wasn't your idea or interest.

Purpose is the reason you're reading the book. It explains the goal you want to reach by performing a particular activity.

Like driving to a certain destination you plan to take this route so to reach that destination. It explains the reason why you are doing something. That's all purpose is, an explanation for your action [PhotoReading] to reach a certain outcome [destination, goal].

Finding your purpose is easy when you look for the outcome [goal] you want to achieve.

For autobiographies..
it can be to satisfy my curiosity about...
to find out what make them tick...
to find out how they became famous
to discover what their biggest break was that led them to their successes.

If nothing like than interest you you have no purpose for reading biographies. So find stuff that interests you.


[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited November 26, 2005).]