JoeBlogs one thing you say is so close to my experience with learning to PhotoRead. I got the audio course in 2003, went through the first few CDs and then didn't go on to learn how to activate! My fears and beliefs stopped me there. Two years later (!) I thought "I've paid so much for this, I better give it a fair trial"... and I started from scratch, suspending all my (dis)beliefs. (it was actually a free PhotoReading CD/DVD that I received through the post that reminded me I had the course!)

This time, I was ready to learn and notice what happens... I was curious to see how it would work for me and in how many ways. My beliefs had changed, as I had already practiced with the Silva method, Holosync, NLP and had some great results with Paraliminals - I was now ready.

I finished the course easily (that was less than a month ago). Now, I use PhotoReading every day, at every opportunity, and I keep getting better at it.

My first big success with it was when I went through the "photoread your own book" CD of the course. I selected a 155 page book about “the 7 secrets of millionaires” (a book with structure & non-fiction). I had the book given to me as a gift, but had never read it. So I used this one. I photoread the book, took a 40min break and activated it the same day (I usually activate the next day, but this time I could not wait!). I mind-mapped the book in less than 20mins and was shocked at my level of understanding of the contents.

I decided to try a test: I told my mother and my girlfriend that I'd like to tell them about this book. I told them that I have only looked at the book for no more than 30mins in total and would like to test my comprehension by giving them a “talk” about the book’s ideas. (they both knew I was doing some crazy PhotoReading audio course – probably thinking I’ve wasted my money on yet another course that promises but doesn’t deliver… but they agreed to listen as the book subject intrigued them!)

Before going to bed I photoread the book again. I listened to the Memory Supercharger Paraliminal and in the morning to the Self-Esteem supercharger. Later I astounded myself be giving a 35mins “lecture” on how to become a millionaire. (I gave a talk which was longer in duration than the time it took me to read the actual book!) I was relaxed, looked at my mind-map of the book and started talking about it. The amazing thing was that, not only was I able to explain to them all the book’s key concepts (which I had consciously understood and mind-mapped), but I was also able to give many examples for each concept – the examples just popped into my head at the time! I had ideas came to me while I was speaking – a kind of spontaneous activation of things I had not consciously activated.

After this, they both thought that this PhotoReading thing must be a good thing and it seems to work. They wanted to know more and my girlfriend has now started learning how to PhotoRead.

Yes, nishant, even medical books. I’ve used it with books on neurobiology and psychiatry. Soon I want to try Syntopic Learning by PhotoReading 6-7 books on Bipolar Disorder treatments. I’ve ordered 3 mainstream books that promote the idea of medication and that it’s a genetic disorder, and 3-4 books that look at alternative treatments (nutrition, psychotherapy, brief therapy, etc.) and disagree with the use of medication or even think it is extremely dangerous (e.g. “Toxic Psychiatry” book). Would be an interesting experiment as the books are divided into to opposing camps, from one extreme to the other (in a sense, bipolar!)