How nice to have responses. I won't tell you how long it took to write my original post.
I'm not certain if protocol is to answer each response individually but if so, I would definitely not respond as timely so please understand...

This educational journey has been long, hard and intense for the last 4 years and I now have enough credits for 2 masters programs. I could not stay in a program that I did not believe in because to put all my time and energy in anything it had to be for a purpose so needless to say I am very intent or more than fiercely determined.

My whole learning methodology has been stretched to limits that I never dreamed possible from APA formatting to Online Education. Plus, I’m in a discipline that I have a passion for and I have a topic to teach about that I feel will make a big difference in people’s lives if we teach it well. So, I am currently inspired to inspire others and glad to know I am not alone in my endeavors. I welcome your differing perspectives and though I may pray to become the PhotoReading poster child, I know it is not magic but hope that having already been there and knowing what you do of my situation that you could advise me how to best prepare for this weekend in order to get the most out of it and apply it to my current situation? I know nothing is impossible, even the improbable. Forgive me if I sound so desperate, I’m a frazzled grad student that is longing to have time and sanity back again.
Much thanks,