There's nothing wrong with being in any type of work that you enjoy. That's what really matters - doing your dharma. Not everyone has to be a doctor, physicist or CEO. Everyone has a different definition of success.

Some people do their greatest work outside of their regular jobs. When Einstein published the paper that won him the Nobel Prize in Physics, he was employed in the Patent Office.

When you look at the large unused brain capacity, you have to wonder if humans had fully used it at one time having abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, healing, etc. These skills must have been useful in meeting the large energy and oxygen requirements a fully utilized brain needs. And why did it fall into disuse? Was there an energy/oxygen famine? Or did Force begin to replace Power as the dominant paradigm?

It's only in the last decade or so that the collective human race raised its LoC level from 190 to 207 (thanks to a few individuals who saw fit to use more of their brains). Maybe we are coming full circle again as the post from Alex indicates.

(Note: The terms LoC, power, and force are used in the context of "Power vs. Force" by David Hawkins, MD, PhD)