Originally posted by hypertext:
Thanks of the suggestions but I'm not touching any new age stuff until I master PR, there is simply no point wasting money on other NLP methods which I researched enough of .Second tapes do little to nothing for me , because I find them to be tacky salesmanship with condescending marketing techniques(especially silva). Even when they speak they just cant rub it off. I don't know, maybe its because I'm not american perhaps , but if I truely wanted to learn psi-stuff I'd study it directly off a guru, nuff said. I can mediate quite deeply without what I find ( annoying and quite subversive) "aphla training". But thats another story.

Great! Because you don't need it.

Coldrayne has moved to a level where purpose is quite intuitive. A place many beginners would like to be overnight. And you don't need anything more than the steps of the system to get there.

As for my purpose , whenever I'm think I'm close to getting it, somthing's wrong. I've read nearly everything on this forum to do with the subject of purpose , and yet despite all, it still isnt clear as to how it should be done- again this is fustrating because it now seems multiple purposes should be used for the same subject/paper/ book whatever at the same sitting, it just adds to the confusion.

It sounds like you're confusing purpose with mind probing questions.

Purpose is like plotting a course on a map. Your starting point is here. The knowledge you currently have about the subject. Your purpose is to drive [read this book to] acquire x, y, z knowledge] so you can reach your destination [goal]

Your goal is what motivates you. You need to want to reach that goal for some reason. It can be so I can have a career in the field of my choice. To impress someone. To do something even better than you are now.

When exploring your purpose for reading ask yourself what's in it for me. What can I do with the information once I have it. Where will it take me? Is that where I want to go.

For school look outside the school walls where is what you are learning going to take you, career wise, finance wise, self-esteem wise? How would you feel about yourself using what you learned in the future?

If it is the most important part of the photoreading technique( if not reading in general) then more of this forum should be dedicated to clarifying What Purpose(s) are most suitable for each and different Subjectmatter.
Ie, math, scholarly literature, science ,accounting and mass volumes of notes that need to be consumed etc.

No can do.. it's personal. Studying to be an accountant might be great fun for one person and a pure bore for another. One wants to be an accountant the other does not. So a purpose is purely yours.

If you want to know if your purpose is good, just check your motivation, curiosity and wanting to acquire the information. If it's not there then you have no purpose which means you're like a ship at sea without a destination.

Where do you want to go with what you learn from the books? Once you have your destination [goal] plot your purpose... what do you need to know to get there. [one book alone probably won't help you to reach your goal. ]

What's in it for you to learn from that book.

By the way. Learn the system first on a topic that interests you. Ironically doing that will show you what purpose is. It's what you want... not what anyone else wants.
