Err, photoread4me you're offering nice suggestions for mind probing questions however I don't find

" My purpose is to learn the techniques and principles of resolving problems with difficult people. "

Is still not a clear purpose. It lacks the "So I Can..."

yas1891 has actually got a very good hidden purpose reach a specific goal. To handle, learn to live with, to survive certain behaviours of, someone, who to them is unreasonable and they have no other option than to be around them.

So a purpose statement can be

I am reading this book on "People Skills by Robert Bolton" so I can learn specific ways to so survive my weekdays with this problem person.

The second suggestion is a question (not a purpose) "What processes are occuring and what is happening when a person comes to a resolution with a difficult person"...? Great for mind probing and a good place to start activation when you've recognised the purpose; So yas1891 (I) can find ways of handling, surviving, communicating with, etc, this difficult person.
