Originally posted by photoread4me:

The problem i have with your purpose is that it does not say anything about how to achieve a happier working relationship with mr or mrs X.

Of course it doesn't. That's my purpse to find out. I'm not going to limit what I can find in the book my making a statement that defines borders when right now I don't even know if the book contains any information whatsoever on conflict resolution.

The book is called "People Skills by Robert Bolton" It doesn't tell me by the title that it has any information on principles of resolving problems with difficult people. So my intial purpose is to keep it superfical and find out what is available in the book. When I activate some more my purpose will probably become more specific on certain aspects of how to.

The purpose statement never has to be a book in itself. It can simply be two or three word like I am reading this instruction manual so I can help my mum use this software. It serves to keep you on focus for information that will help your mum and not get side tracked my unnecessary information or "interesting reading" .

You own your mind when I say you can simplify the statement I'm not saying your goal will be missed or left out. You can still read for that. By simplifying the statement you are allowing the first activation to be one that lets you discover what the book is capable of giving your in that area. Your purpose can change with each activation. The more knowledge you acquire the more details you want.

For the sake of people learning about setting a purpose. Keep it simple. If you can say what you want in the end, The example in this thread is to handle a co-worker. Then once you make a statement of purpose with that in mind your activation becomes much more focused. It doesn't have to be in technicolour detail. The details come as you activate.


With the purpose i have chosen "My purpose is to learn the techniques and principles of resolving problems with difficult people so I can learn specific ways to handle my interaction with this difficult person" it tells me i am going to need to search through the book to find more principles, techniques and theories on dealing with difficult people. By just saying achieving a happier relationship with mr or mrs x it doesn't go into the specifics of how that is achieved so i don't see how simplifying it will help activating more easily.
Photoread4me [/B][/QUOTE]