For a beginner Superread and dip takes between 16 and 30-seconds a page. Faster than that I do not recommend. You will miss the body mind cues for dipping.

Don't sit there forming 50 questions for a book as soon as you got one good one start activating. Remember your purpose. Consider activation like chatting with the author. You have a question Superread and dip for the answer. Chances are that leads to more questions. Discovery of more you need to know. Then you've got another question. activate.

You can answer as many questions as you can during an acitvation pass. It can be one or it can be a dozen. However do not extend the time of your activation passes just because you have more questions. Check with your purpose. Do you need to know that consciously right now to satisfy your purpose or are you getting sidetracked by interesting praddle, easy reading. Which nonconsciously you already know anyway. Sure it's interesting to know what Dick and Jane are doing but is it relevant to your purpose?
