This is what i posted somewhere else

Hel, dyslexic, meaning i am mixing up certain letters and numbers. It just started over night and has persisted. Sometimes, even when i go very slow, i still will come to work to find i had entered the wrong numbers. But, i've changed and become more laid back and the guys are very kind about my dyslexic stuff. I'd rather be dyslexic and not uptight than the way it was before. It's a good trade off for me. Plus, i think it'll eventually go away, i'm only at P.1.1, so i have a long way to go. It's a strange product in some respects. Figure that for 51 years of my life i was never dyslexic at all, not remotely. Then suddenly i am. The only change in my life was the addition of h/s. I also broke my wrist 6 weeks into AP due to a primal panic that i was not able to recognize as overwhelm. But, i never considered stopping because it is a terrific product for personal growth.

And this is what Hel posted for me which was enlightening for me.

I just received this week's "Fortune" and read an article in it about top executives and other high achievers who are/were dyslexic. They had a very had time in school. But it seems that they just have a different way of picking up and processing info. So those who managed to get out of the education system unscathed could end up having an edge when they are in the working world in that they tend to be "creative" and "intuitive", meaning they do not see/think the same way as their colleagues. It seems that they see in images, 3D technicolor, and are more able to think outside the box. So maybe indeed the sudden onset of dyslexia has to do with your activating a particular part of your brain/mind, neuro-connections, which until then was more or less dormant.