We're taping the video portion of Level 2 this weekend, and it is superb. The content comes from Master Lin as well as volunteer students who repeated his Level 2 workshop many, many times.

Master Lin gave me the course manual two weeks ago, so that we could begin working on it. It is superbly detailed. A veritable cook book of what to do when healing another person.

Level 1 is for your personal health so that a person can practice Qigong and experience significant improvements in health and well-being.

Level 2 is for healing others. You learn how to detect blockages and how to remove the blockages from others. The new active exercises strengthen you ability to give energy, boosts your own energy, and works to build visualization, which is important in giving Qi to others.

If you are purely interested in Qigong for you own benefit, you do not have to go to Level 2. Level 1 is very, very complete.