Genius can be measured through creative and inventive results, what is the end result. Imagine solving a problem in a new and creative way. We do it all the time and sometimes act upon it. There are more Genius's out there than what people think there are. Having vast knowledge and a vast vocabulary does not mean Genius. I look at genius as delivering his/her imagination into reality. Example: Why is Einstein so popular in this field? He figured out a way to communicate his imagination and ideas through the art of math. This can be marketed easily to the masses. Even though others have imagined greater things but didn't know how to communicate those imaginations. Artist are poor until they figure out a way to communicate their ideas. I find that the Genius Code works in building this base, ie. collecting, organizing and constructing alternate information, from there it is up to the person to strive for those results. The Genius code works those, I believe, who want to enhance themselves constructively to reach results through communicating ideas.