Per Kristoff Olafssons post:

Thanks for your post. Thanks for questioning.

I recommend taking the Avatar 9-day Course if someone wants to rediscover free will and experience the creator (you) behind all your creations (mental, physical, life circumstances, etc.).

You also get a few simple tools to discover the transparent beliefs that are creating aspects of your life and creating your current definition of self, and tools that allow you to insert and delete beliefs at will. You are not asked to subscribe to or reject a belief system or truth-teaching you already have in order to use the tools.

The course is faster than digesting all the teachings and books mentioned in the post and it will ensure that what is learned is experiential. Web site is Download the book Living Deliberately for free.

Note: The use of the word "enlightenment" on the avatar website is unnecessary, hypish, and misleading in my opinion, but I think it is a great course and completely priceless. I wish everyone knew what the course allows you to experience and know. Check it out if you wish.