It sounds like your taking a lot of flack so I'll jump on your side. God does exist. Without a doubt he exists. Albert Einstein said once to an athiest that "the more I learn about science, and of atoms, and of all the intricacies of life, the more I believe in God." This is coming from one of the most appraised intellectuals of all time. How can anyone think and meditate about their own existance and not believe in God? Think about the intricate parts of your own body. The neoro-system, the cardiovascular system, the eyes, the ears, everything and how they work perfectly well together. Does anyone believe that our bodies were created by chance? By some miraculous way of evolution? We cannot have happened by chance, it is completely impossible!! How do you explain a feeling? So anyway, I with you brother! If you would like to read something very profound and read the Book of Mormon and the story of Joseph Smith. I know the Mormons have had a bad wrap and there are a lot of rumors about them, but give it a chance, it totally backs up the bible and gives some profound insight to the explanation of God. You seem like an open minded person that does not make a judgment on something especially religion until you have studied it for yourself. That is the mark of a true intellectual.