I have the Personal Genius, Memory Supercharger and Automatic Pilot paraliminals and tend to use the 15 or 25 min Learning sessions with them. Never tried the Visualisation session, Alex, but I might give them a go now. :-)

If I want to use a paraliminal before sleep (so that I turn off the tape before Paul starts counting up) I'll use the Goodnight session, as that's the most effective sleep pattern for me.

I emailed LifeTools in the UK recently about their planned paraliminal sessions. They're supposed to be designing Mindlab sessions for each paraliminal tape but there have been some delays due to difficulties over exact interpretations.

I suppose if you know a bit about light and sound sessions you could design your own to go with certain paraliminals. I'm not confident enough in my knowledge of wave patterns and binaural beats to do it myself. If people on this list manage to design one that works, maybe we could all start swapping our own sessions?

I've used the Proteus editing software to make a couple of Photoreading sessions. The manual (p 28) suggests using Quick Work Break as a PR preparation session, and Regeneration before activation, but in both cases you're supposed to fade out the lights early before the cycle starts to go back up. I didn't want all that fuss so I just edited out the unwanted cycles and I now have two extra sessions:

50: Photoreading Prep 9 mins
51: Photoreading Activate 7 mins

ulysses. UK.