
I’ve been trying out the Holosync program for about 5 weeks now. It’s not enough to give a proper validate of the course for me yet, but I would like to share my experiences since I know learningstrategies has sent a special Centerpoint offer to all the members.

When I started meditating at first I got bored very quick and decided to try out the Holosync. When I started listening I could instantly feel I was going deeper and deeper and I often felt a sleep. However I cannot say YET that all the Holosync “promises” has taken place- they haven’t. (But as I mention I’ve only used it for 5 weeks or so)

The most amusing thing I find with the Holosync is that I’m so much better to do normal meditating, which I now find much more satisfying and pleasuring than only using the holosync. When I do “normal” mediating I can feel the energy go in and through me much more, and sometime I can sense a slight congestion over my head when I’m finished.

Today when I meditated I could feel a VERY good sensation in my spine which still is there (2 hours since I meditate), and I’m wondering if I could have awaken some of the Kundalimi energy. If it is, I find it very strange since I haven’t been meditating a long time. Have anyone any thoughts on this?

It’s strange that Centerpoint doesn’t mention the Kundalimi effect when people experience anxiety, depression and physical pain, but only talks about the “Chaos theory” the brain experiences and the results of the “new- organized” mind that appear subsequent to the Chaos.

Any comments would be appreciated.