Aloha Fred,

I'm glad you are having success in your work.

Your original post is more appropriate for a Holosync forum, or brought up in the Beyond Human Forum, as it is more of an open-ended forum. A majority of the participants of this forum visit that one as well. Actually, I was told today that Hale Dwoskin will be in the cities next month and is planning to visit Learning Strategies.

The healing in Spring Forest Qigong begins with detecting blockages with the hand. Later trainings develop the third eye and detecting through auditory, imagery, and visual modes.

It aligns with the energetic systems of TCM, as well as healing of one's emotional and spiritually aspects.

Master Lin always comments about us Americans being a "recipe" culture and his basics in healing others are presented in this way, then expanded beyond such linear routines.

Enjoy your Pranic Healing work.

Much Love, Shawn