Aloha Shr33m (Eddie),

Thank you for noticing that. It is Hale from the Sedona Method who's coming down next month for a book signing(must be the reason we got one as a brain is slowly coming back since Mondays -I guess birthdays are a little unsettling.

I'm surprised I equated Hale with Center Pointe, as we get quite a few calls saying they received a flier and want to talk with Bill. Of course we have a Bill on staff which makes such transfers fun. Sometimes people think we're both the same company, and explaining the whole "endorsing" concept is tough for some to get a grip on.

ftaas01: Thank you for trying to clarify your post, as the initial one occurred to many as sharing a Holosync experience, thus all the replies looking to assist you in finding a more appropriate space. That was very kind and thoughtful of them.

Meditation is an integral part of Spring Forest Qigong, as is breathing and body movements/ postures.

Master Lin would say to focus on what the Pranic Healing offers, and after you've spent a long time with it, then see what other systems like SFQ have to offer. Consider concentrating and growing in your foundation, rather than having it diluted with other avenues right away.

Much Love and a great weekend, Shawn