Hello there. I am a nidan and certified sensei in kenpo karate (kensho-ryu kenpo, to be precise). It takes, on average, 6 months to a year for what you learn in the dojo to be applicable on the streets - you're training the muscle memory. Tools that can help increase the speed at which you learn the arts - repitition...lots of it. The use of visualization and relaxation. Keeping the muscles loose while learning a technique (new students tend to try to tense up and "feel" power as they are doing a technique - which is counter productive - it actually slows down learning how to do the technique). New Behavior Generator might be useful, I think, as far as paraliminals go. You might also find it useful to enter a light trance/relaxed state as you do your techniques/forms. Good music playing, trying to visualize the bunkai as you execute each move - put yourself into the fight and program your neurology.

I hope this helps a bit.