I'm sure more capable and knowledgeable people will respond, until then you have me.

Yes, I believe that somewhere it says that chi can influence fortune / events.

However, Master Chunyi Lin does say that chi is not good or bad until we direct it to be so. The cure would then be to think happy thoughts. Expect good luck and that's what you will get.

As for the time. Chunyi says consistancy is one of the keys to success. He also says to practice whenever you can. Anytime is better than no time. I'd say that means you are okay. The consistancy is part of the Good Better Best idea. Good is doing it whenever. Better is doing it the same time every day. Best is everyday at the best time for that activity.

So call upon the master energy and you know that's good. Then expect it to do you good and it will.

Sending love, and that's good energy.