Nacho, be sure that you are centering before starting your practice. If you are by passing any of the starting sequence and getting right into it you may possibly be leaving yourself open. Remember that the modified time period you are now using is when your channels are most open. The steps of centering calling in the Masters energies, your guides, teachers or whatever works for you is a form of protection a preparation of your sacred space so to speak. In your sacred space all negativity is expelled, removed and all is there for your greatest and highest good. Also be sure to properly close the exercise this will help both ground the exercise and internalize your energies.

To help clear this on your next round do the above and as stated in the manual see yourself taking in that good energy and flushing out the bad with the exhale. Inhale the good see yourself getting brighter and brighter filling with white light and then shoot out all negative or unwanted energies to the universe on the exhale. Do this with the mind set of love and compassion. Most of all gratefulness for the enlightenment of firming your resolve as to what you do not need to experience and then let it pass so you can move on.

Your dog is not reacting to you just what is around you. Animals are very sensitive and intuitive and in this case very helpful to you.