If there are balance issues with eyes open then perhaps you need to drop your center more. Here are a couple of suggestions:

- Bend the supporting knee a little more. You will feel more of a positive burning in the supporting leg. Not necessary to over due, you will find your comfort zone as you experiment.
- You can think of sinking your center as you raise your knee. As if there was a counter force pulling your tail bone down to the earth.
- Don’t extend the rising leg too far, this may through your center/balance off as you raise your hands on the inhale.
- Play with the balance threshold.
--Play with it by doing less of the mechanical and more visual. This will help you find where your comfort level is with the movement. From there you can extend the range as your balance improves over time and it will.

Someone with more experience then I in this form can perhaps shed some light and validate or invalidate my statements. These are some of the things I have found that help others with balance issues.

Much love and light to you Good luck

[This message has been edited by Ascending1 (edited September 17, 2003).]