
Now you have my attention with that mirror breaking. You should really try doing a house/apartment blessing. It's not hard. Get some incense which gives off a little smoke (I find Nag Champa works best for this). Then light the incense stick and go around the house in a clockwise direction making slow clockwise circles of smoke. Thank the universe for giving us positive and negative energies to learn from and then in each room ask the positive to stay and help you and those living in the house with the life purposes and then politely but firmly tell the negative that it is no longer needed here in your home. Make sure you do the closets, attic, basement, and garage on the inside. Then go outside the house and do the same clockwise from the front door all the way around to the front door. Your intention is the most important thing. Stay focused on the task which will only take 15 or 20 minutes or so depending on the size of your house. Then put the incense stick where you medidate and do your QiGong as normal.

I'd do it a few times and then once a month.

If you live in Arizona I could come help you.

Bless you and your home,