I don’t think anyone is taking your situation lightly. This is a valuable lesson for all. All information here is a piece to the puzzle and will ultimately help your personal growth. Think of it this way, with the energy work you have been doing it has illuminated you energetically. You are a bright beacon and as such a sort of magnet for all things negative and positive. Just the same as you would build your foundation energy in the lower dantien you are building your foundation in your mind with your belief and intentions.

It is all about intention, where your heart, mind and soul are. Remember it is also about energies the labels we put on it bad luck, fear, evil sprits are merely interpretations of different forms of energy. As you “believe so shall it be” is a power full statement. Where do you want to focus your attention and energy? For example the more energy fed into negativity the more it escalates just look back on an argument between two apposing points of view. More often than not the participants are unwilling to give up there opposing point of view and have gotten into the energy of barking at each other, no one listing but flowing negatively. In contrast look at what happens when healing, coming from love, light and compassion,,, well miracles can happen as a result of focused positive energy.

As Agent B mentioned the process of blessing your home is important and done with intention. Sage is another form used for smudging a space and or using light visually in your mind to flush out the unwanted. Know it for what it is and thank it for the experience and tell it to move on for your desire is to experience something of a higher vibration now.

This is an unusual circumstance most would not experience this so I hope that anyone reading this will not fear getting into Qigong because of a potential bad experience. There are many possible reasons as to why this is happening but all reasons lead to a positive out come. For example your experience may help someone down the line in the future, it may educate others to possibilities they hadn’t realized was possible, certainly it validates the importance of intention and clearing of ones sacred space. Bottom line, look for the hidden positive and don’t dwell on the illusion of the negatives that have been labeled as such.

Let us know when you are going to do this and I’m sure if others are able and willing, we can do a joint meditation to help you clear your space. Let us know time zone you are in and what time you want to start the process and know that all of this will clear with your desire and intentions.