Boy you just got to love the wisdom here. Nacho if you think about it logically the timer frame you began using is when you are most open. The energies around you must have loved that. This is not something that should be feared or fed into with fear. It is a bothersome experience but an experience none the less. The wisdom of your dog showed you that this can effect those around you, remember that when someone displays intolerance or a short fuse. Fight back with compassion and the knowledge you have acquired.

As you stated this has gone back a year and when you mentioned the agonizing itching problem I had suspected that this might be happening. This is why it is critical for you to call on and build your protection as Shr33m mentioned. Be sure to focus on healing yourself closing up the holes and removing or releasing the unwanted energies. If this works for you, some have called upon Guardian (Angel) Michael for assistance in this, ask him to remove and lovingly guide the unwanted energies to there appropriate destination. There are many approaches to take but you have to find what works for you based on your personal belief system.

May love and light surround and protect you on your journey through this experience.