Iam2 & awaken, ahhh not to be confused with I am to awakening which I am doing but I was actually referring to you guys. Kind of cool I get to affirm at the same time.

I also noticed the subtlety of the movement and how it effects the awareness of the energy between the hands. What I noticed is not only the mechanical but also the mood; speed and intentions all play a subtle roll. Iam2, that shift with the elbows made a big difference for me especially with the expanding and contracting. Having the elbows lead the movement allowed me to sense the energy actually pushing the hands out, very cool. Master Lin also varies his hand positions on occasion leading with the wrist and letting the fingers lag behind in the movement, this also provides a different feel for me.

On rolling the ball if I try to maintain keeping both palms facing each other I seem to get a better awareness of the constant energy. I also noticed that Master Lin would on occasion rotate the ball so that there would be no end point such as rotating clockwise then counter clockwise with stop points at the ends just before changing direction. What I noticed is that on occasion it is as if the hand rising moves forward and then down the front of the ball while the lower hand comes up in opposition. Just a thought I wanted to share incase it helps you in the way your sharing helped me.

Awakening, you had questioned if it was necessary to do the visualization. I think the answer would be yes at least in my opinion it would be. You would want to continue the practice because the visualization has its importance in working with the energy. I think it is normal to bounce back and forth with what feels good and what you still have to work at. It is all about intention so if you happen to get into the emptiness, lets say 80% of the time then occasionally 20% of the time tap into the visual you would still be ahead of the game. Eventually the feelings would be automatic in all you do throughout the exercise. At least that is my goal. Think of the visual as focused self-healing time also a time to learn skills for the healing of self and others later on.