Yep this is certainly an awesome idea and definitively needed in this day and age. I would be honored to take part in this quest. Thanks you Gallen for bringing this to light and moving this forward. Ann7822 you definitely have some great ideas and I think I’ll be trying some out. The best thing about this type of healing work is that it does transcend time and space. Meaning that theoretically you could send your energy into the past and/or future to join up with the group energy.

Some foods for thought.
Ideally if following the good, better, best route was take the best would be if everyone was able to personally get together and do this at the same time in the same location. Then next would be just everyone coordinating and connecting at the same time where ever they were. The last would be everyone connecting and contributing when and wherever they can. Bottom line it is all good, no matter what.

A couple of more thoughts to add would be as follows. If it is possible to provide names and address of those to be put in the healing circle and then a list could be generated for all that partake. Another twist on this would be that a picture be provided. Although these are not necessary they would be an awesome addition to help everyone focus there intentions on those in need.

Lastly… I would love to know if anyone in my area is doing this if so it would be great to have a small group gather and connect with the larger group for the same purpose at the same time.

Well you did ask for suggestions…I love this idea. I can see the miracles unfolding now.