Shawn - that is a great time! I don't know about me personally, but if it's the same time frame as all else you mentioned ... hey! half the work's done already!! And I can work it in - you don't find time, you make it. For me, that would be at 2PM.

------> how long should we be in sync? Half hour - full hour? As long as desired? I vote for 1/2 hr. and those who can keep the state can continue. As we would do anyway without "setting it up."

Shall we shorten this and start a new thread with names (if you want)
m/f <-- that one might help as names here are confusing and city or state ... or country!! I vote for appropriate continent.


PS - what meditation do you have already? That would be a common thread if desired by the participants.

[This message has been edited by Ann7822 (edited October 18, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Ann7822 (edited October 18, 2003).]