I had an interesting expeience with sword fingers thought I would share.

I've notice the energy coming from my fingertips when applying sword fingers but found the actually stronger when I applied it to a cut finger (four stitches already showing signs of infection when they stitched it 3 hours after the mishap).

Applied sword fingers and palming everytime I thought of it (usually when it hurt)noticed an interesting effect on some machinery when I missed my aim becoming distracted while I was applying sword fingers. This led to a rather interesting experiment and relisation that it's a lot more powerful than I gave it credit for.

When mum asked me if I wanted the doctor to perscribe pain killers I thought, 'what?' I have to admit I yelped a lot when I moved it wrong and usually had to apply sword fingers shortly after; there really was a difference with hitting it with sword fingers straight away or trying to ignore it. Stitches come out in a couple of hours And if you want to meet a funny doctor you should meet the guy who stitched it (he lied) .

I think it really reinforces your skill if you use it on yourself for injuries no matter how minor... when you feel the energy transfering to your wound it adds to your confidence when you use it on others.
