I don't know the effectiveness of Falun Dafa, but a daily practice involving oneself in a good qigong system can be very transformative. Whatever one's optimum potential is, whether physically or spiritually, a qigong system can help bring that into being. I have mentioned before, that people tend to come to something like this forum, or SFQ, with specific, isolated, manifested phyiscal issues. One should realize that you have to treat the whole you, not just the dark rings under your eyes. It doesn't work that way. You are composed of many connected parts, in different dimensions of self. You have a physical body, a multifaceted spirit, a soul, and experience emotions. A 'complete' qigong system can address you 'globally', and open up doors of self realization concerning your 'state of being', which is a sometimes used as a definition of qigong. You can look the best you can through qigong practice. You can maximize your potential. You can see your eyes,,,,what does your heart look like?