Yes, I have had dark circles under my eyes most of my life, and my eyes get tired and dry easily. I am on vacation and have been making time for extra practice(SFQ1). (2) 1-hour meditation sessions with the cd. (1) active exercise session with the video. I have noticed a dramatic increase in energy level. It is too soon to tell if the circles will go away, but I think this may be the answer I have been searching for. I think the circles are just sysmptoms of energy blockages that I have been harboring most of my life and SFQ is the answer. I have always been very athletic and bright, but I have had bouts with depression and fatigue. I am really excited about SFQ. I plan on buying level 2, I read a post that mentioned a level 3, have they made a third level?
Wishes of peace and health to all in 2004. Happy New Year.