I couldn't answer your question about the impact of medication. It's probably a case of try it and see.

I need to do something fast I don't want to be this unhappy,negative,overreacting,anxious,depressed person anymore

Self Esteem Supercharger is a good start. I had an interesting experience with that one recently.

Discovered I had some internal conflict and was going into a downer mode about something that was worth celebrating. I thought about it and discovered the reason... some of my memories were surfacing and colouring my present feeling.

Looking at it I had a few options... The Belief paraliminal, yet I saw there were a couple of beliefs to handle, so where to start? New Behaviour Generator, though I wasn't exactly sure what behaviour I wanted. Other tapes came to mind...

In the end I grapped the Self Esteem Supercharger just as I was putting the tape in I decided that I wanted to leave my past experiences in the past, accept the present for what it is. Mostly I wanted to avoid pulling my past negative experiences into my present. Played the Self Esteem Supercharger a couple of hours later I notice my feeling about the issue had changed. I found myself comforatable talking about my achievement. A couple of weeks later and I've noticed that I've had thoughts where my past experience would have impacted them. Interestingly enough inside me my past is past and has no influence on my future. Hard to explain but good leaving the old baggage behind.
