gallen, that was an excellent post. I appreciate your honesty and your insight. You hit on a question that I have been asking myself for quite some time and the reason why I haven't really stuck to any one practice and that is "Why are you doing qigong?"

I am a martial artist but was always drawn to qigong because of the "skills" that can be developed. Spiritual things as well as some "parlor" tricks. The ability to put out a candle with your eyes, send energy over a phone, etc. I remember my sifu put his hand a few inches away from my dan tien and my whole body began to tingle and get warm. The energy moved toward his hand. I couldn't help but think how cool that was and how I wanted to do it too.

That has been a hard thing for me to let go of. But interestingly enought it seems that all these people, even my sifu, went towards the healing road.

Thanks again.