It wasn't long ago that I was severely depressed and ridden with anxiety to the point of near incapacitation. If I knew of an upcoming event, I had to mentally prepare days or even weeks in advance just to get myself throught it. I was taking anti-depressants and attending counseling sessions. When I lost my job, I lost my benefits - no meds and no therapy, so I searched for alternatives.

I basically tried the shotgun approach when it came to paraliminals. It is said often in this forum to not do too many things at once. After disobeying the advice, I now wholeheartedly agree. I was trying to fix too many things at one time.

I'm much better now and still don't have insurance, but a steady diet of self-improvement seems to have done the job. My journey has taken me through purchasing just about every paraliminal, Holosync, the Sedona Method, Natural Brilliance, Ideal Mindset, and Personal Celebration.

What worked? It was all good, but if you had to take everything away and leave me with just one it would be a tough choice between the Sedona Method, the Personal Celebration tape BEING, and Anxiety Free.

I use the Sedona Method more and more these days and between Sedona and BEING, I have great success. If ever I feel a tug of anxiety, I can use Anxiety Free.

With BEING, you hear a group of people come to you one by one to tell you how valuable and significant you are. I always try to envision the voices speaking to me as people I know I'll be encountering that day. It's very empowering.

Go ahead and get the intro tape from the Sedona Method website. I think it's only $5 and has a brief Sedona session on it.

If you're budget is tight, I would say get Anxiety Free and Personal Celebration. Listen to both of them every day. It's not as time consuming as you might think. While you need to find a quiet place to relax so you can listen to Anxiety Free, you can listen to Being anywhere. For me, I listen to it during my morning commute. I can't say enough good things about this tape. It's a great way to start may day and before any significant event that may arise.

Should you decide to spring for the Sedona Method, it's worth it, but the Euphoria course on this website has a very solid condensed version of the Sedona Method that can save you about $100.

All the Best,