On further reflection I wanted to add to my last post.

One of the things that has helped me so much is trying to find just one thing every day that I can be thankful for.

When you're depressed or have anxiety your brain is doing all it can just to survive. You're in a battle for the mind. I had to take my victories wherever I could get them, and however small they were. Nothing dramatic, but small subtle things I could find to appreciate. I wasn't able to pay my bills, but I was thankful for the unemployment check. It was cold outside, but I was still inside. My heater didn't work, but I had a blanket. If I saw something on TV that made me laugh, I was thankful that I could have something I could laugh about.

These are small victories, but they're important ones. One of the statements on the BEING tape that meant so much to me was the voice that said, "Be gentle with yourself. You're unique in all the world."

Do it, because you are...
