There is an area/point in the front of the forehead, between the brows, same level as the third eye , called the yin tang. In one qigong energy accumulation method, energy is breathed into this area and held, temporarily. It is a small place, and, may be the area that Kimax refers to. It would be uncomfortable to leave energy positioned there. In this method, it is moved back inside of the head , in bits, and dispersed throughout the entire body. In another step, it is accumulated again, and then moved directly from the yin tang, down at an angle, directly to the ming men point, which is the same as the kidney area in small universe, feeding the kidneys. I don't suggest this, as this is not all the information regarding this. I gave my first preference.
I 'think' Kimax was talking about an energy sensation, although perhaps uncomfortable, as opposed to pain.
I am not familiar with the tangerine method??
Hi Diana,
My experience of kundalini , didn't start or lodge in the head as described. I am certainly not an expert!
I agree that grounding is good. I didn't suggest 'moving' the energy 'around', but rather, specifically , in and down. The lower dantien is connected to grounding oneself,,,coming down into the body, into the physical center, although not as complete as grounding in a bigger sense. (or as unusual,,,,!!! moldavite,,,okay, another universe heard from. :-)
We are a diverse lot.