"scientific" background (like me), but also possessing (like me) a core belief that this (and indeed, all) LSC programs are "valuable" and
"useful" and worthy of sharing with my 20-somthing year-old kids?

I have a BA in physics. I have spent
most of my life working with computers
and I am a spiritual seeker whether
the knowledge is new-age or not.
I don't believe anyone has a lock on

You might want to read the books of
Russel Targ a physicist who helped
develop the laser. If you think this
forum is new-age, then you might find
that there are more extreme things
going on with respected scientists.

I think the key here is to experience
something yourself and be the example
when it begins working for you.
My experience is
that I can tell somebody about something
that works for me, but unless it shows
within me it is not going to have any

Also, because Spring Forest Qigong works
for me, it doesn't guarantee it will
work for you or your son. There are no
guarantees. But I bet if you try it
chances are you will experience a change
within yourself.

It is not by chance that most serious
Kung Fu practitioners do some Qigong
in addition to their practice of Kung Fu.
I am thinking of a chinese doctor who also
practices and teaches Kung Fu; he does
an hour of Qigong every morning as part
of his practice.

I can understand your fear. It is a
little scary in the beginning. What
is going to happen to me? My experience
is good things are going to happen to you.