One must remember that qigong is well over 4000 years in the making, given it's various forms. So qigong itself is hardly "New Age".

What you are noticing is the explorers post more than the conservatives. The people will be more inclinded to look for... Am I doing it right, Should I be breathing in or out at this point. How many inches should my hand be away from my body. Fingers together or apart? When?

Ironically these questions capture answers that sound New Agey simply because it's hard to explain an experience that is very internal, normally without words and boils down to a greater awareness of self. One of the key elements of qigong is shutting up the critical chatter that fills our mind day to day so that we can notice what our bodies have to say. Qigong is a preventative form of health care capturing problems while they are minor or barely noticable in our everyday mode of thinking. After all how can you correct something if you're not even aware that it needs attention? Waiting until it really hurts?

Yes, the post may sound new agey but its sometimes is the only way to help the thinking mind get a handle on what that internal experience is about. Bit like trying to describe colour to a blind person, not entirely impossible but you wind up speaking what sounds like a different language... you might just label it "new Agey"?
