Many of my post. Hmmm, well I have posted many times. However, I ask as many questions as I share my Opinion or Experiences. I'm still looking for my understanding as are many hear.

I see a commonality to almost everything irregardless of the topic it comes from. So I don't believe that SFQ is the exclusive path to follow. Althought, it is one for me. Dispite that my practice is less than it should be.

My signature is delightfully ambiguous. "You are perfection", is primarily an healing image. In SFQ you should see people as Completely Healed, or perfection in my choice of words.

Less obvious is the message that you are exactly as you need to me. You are perfect just the way you are.

The final ideas is that you are a manifestation of the universal energy. Not separate, not less, just one of its forms. Now to rankle some, it's like saying you are god. You can change that to "You are love" which is just as valid for me.

You are perfection.