Good advice K.
I do a bit of massage, that seemed to come on, by itself. As I practice lotus sitting, I found myself massaging myself intuitively, to help with the tensions and flexibilty. At some point, I started working on family member's backs, and feet! With one family member, it is actually the only way they like to be engaged with. An energetic, no contact qigong healing doesn't ring a bell for them, like an offering of a foot rub does! I don't go much farther than that inner circle, as in my experience, it can require some serious physical strength, which in the long run is limited, where just working energetically, is not, and unlimited in terms of ones longevity as a healer. I always intoduce the aspect of energy though, even with the family member that doesn't buy qigong. After the foot rub, I pull my hands away, and they have a heightened, receptive sense of feeling energy, and I can move it down their legs and out their feet, or stimulate their bubbling spring point/kidney point, and they can feel it. The massage becomes the way to introduce them to a tactile feeling of qi. If you massage a foot for a half hour, then back off and just move the energy down a leg, or hold your palm by the point at the bottom of their feet, they can really feel the qi, once you really warm up and open their feet. A work in progress!!
One thing that has stood out to me though, regarding this combination, is that I never give a back massage, without first, clearing the energy. All that potential stress, packed say, in the C7 point.. Once I know, and feel that there are not any blockages, I feel more correct in then working physically with massage. If the blockages were in there as I massaged, for me, it doesn't feel right. It sounds like everything is going the right way though, regarding these posts. That energy is being released and moved out. As the mind moves the energy, it can certainly move it through the breath, and we have seen in SFQ, technique that can merge one with another, take on the blockage, then release it from oneself. There are , i am sure, lots of ways to approach these dynamics. the bottom line being the moving of energy, and clearing of blockages, clearing of all concerned, as an underlying intent and actual practice.
It is an interesting experience to take on someone's blockage. Sometimes, I think this can happen, without one's intention. I have experienced it, say, as a teaching thing, seemingly setup by workings outside my awareness at the time. As I base my lifestyle in energywork, the instant I would feel this 'gift' of sorts, I would immediately know how to proceed, because it was 'me' feeling it. I would fix myself, and through that, learn how to help someone with that blockage. It wasn't always related to a person, in proximity, but rather a more spiritual teaching thing. I would be aware of that aspect, so I wouldn't panic. It has only happen a few times in my life. Not frequently.
Once , it happened with a mental disorder, related to a close relative who committed suicide, as a result of this condition. I was given the experience of what this relative felt, or, the perspective they experienced, afterwards. It was quite overwhelming, but I always was aware of it being , not me, but something to experience that other people sit in as their reality. I didn't get an easy answer out of that one, regarding how to help someone else with this. I did get an understanding though, of what it felt like, and why one would chose to take such drastic steps to alleviate the sensation. I was able to create a clearity , within the experience though, and hold it at bay, outside my self.
I recall Master Lin talking about putting an energy bag of sorts, around a fast growing tumor, or interior bleeding. It sort of encases something energetically, and buys one time to then proceed with another step. In this case, the interior bleeding was contained, and got this person into life saving surgery.
In my case, I created a light space within this darkness, but I never got past that step. Everything came out okay, so in hind sight, I saw it as learning how to just make that first step, which was , or could be, life saving, when at a point of extreme experience. It was one of those expiences that seemed purposeful, and one that one carries with them for a long time, reflecting often on the what and why to it. I did have a few encounters with working on few people with similar mental disorders, and felt a commonality with them, regarding me knowing what they were dealing with. That was, worth something in and of itself.
K's advice about clearing yourself , Zex, is an important aspect to be aware of, or, being conscious of blockages,( or extra energy), and you instinctively or naturally transforming or removing this extra energy, and where that energy goes or how it is being moved, in the sense of you and the person you work on, being cleared, and you being conscious of that process/cynamic, to facilitate it.