Hi 4Space:

Practicing twice a day is wonderful. Morning is an excellent time. 11 to 1 (both noon and midnight) are also auspicious times as all your channels are open so you can make great progress on many fronts. But any time that works for you when you can disingage from this busy world and just let go and do the SFQ exercises you will greatly benefit.

I often have a 10 or 15 minute opportunity and grab an few small universes during my day so we don't have to always block out the big 1 hour blocks to get your time in.
Yesterday in fact I did 7 cycles of small universe while listening to presentations by boring speakers at a meeting and instead of feeling tired and frustrated I felt really energized when the presentations were over. When you get in a traffic jam and aren't moving... do a small universe or just visualize an energy ball and move it around your body. If other people are in the car with you move the ball around and let others have it in their body for awhile... Don't try this while driving! If you see someone in another car who looks like they are ready to have road rage then toss the ball to them and put it in their heart and see if you can watch them transform to a more relaxed state.

Go out and play in the world with your QiGong... you don't always have to sit alone and do the exercises but you do need to come back to them on a regular and disciplined basis.

For the first few years 2 hours a day is generally the max. The benefits seem to drop off as your channels are open and vessels are full so you don't really retain a lot of benefit by doing more on a regular basis. I know for me I get tired rather than energized if I'm doing too much SFQ so again you are seeking that balance. Just listen to your body and be a detached observer and you will quickly see the truth about which exercises are right for you. It changes over time so go with the flow.

Slowly over time you are changing your frequency and reaching better and better vibrations so as you do the active and sitting meditation exercises you are indeed letting go of a lot of emotional baggage, getting in touch with your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual abilities and growing as a person who can then help others in more powerful and effective ways. QiGong is a gentle art and the "can do" US style of more is better is not always best. Listen to your body as it has infinite wisdom our brains tend to discount.

There are cases of people who have injured themselves using QiGong recklessly. Stick to the exercises and be mindful of your positive intentions and it is hard to impagine someone getting into that kind of trouble with SFQ especially if you are asking for help from god, the universe, Master Lin, Jesus, or other wise and positive masters. It is always good to get together with other SFQ practitioners and get feedback and helpful hints. This forum is a great substitute as there is so much practical and real world applications logged on by all the good people practicing.

Take it slow, breath in all that good energy that is always available around you and enjoy the ride.

Agent B